MCRD San Diego, CA | India CO Graduation Day | Rainy Day | First Cancellation
MCRD San Diego - India Company Graduation
Marines with India Company, 3rd recruit training battalion graduate from Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego, March 13, 2020. Graduation took place at the completion of the 13-week transformation including training for drill, Markmanship, basic combat skills and Marines Corps customs and traditions.
**Disclaimer ** I am not affiliated or contracted by the Military/MCRD. By hiring me prior to your event, I am your guest and there to capture your family for personal use. One or more person in every photo has an active photo release to Morning Owl Fine Art Photography or is a general overview photo that has been contracted to be taken for personal use.

If you would like to check out MCRDs video fo the graduation you can see it here.
Covid-19, or “Coronavirus” has warped the daily lives of San Diego as we know it.
Families were excited and ready to see their new marine until 9 am when it was announced all events were canceled, so was graduation, and to leave base immediately! NO ONE expected this; morale plummeted. These new marines of India CO graduated in an auditorium in camis and then changed into civis before getting picked up “school pickup line” style by their family or heading to the airport.
March 16, 2020 6:15 p.m.
In accordance with the direction from the Commandant of the Marine Corps, the standard 10 day leave period granted to new Marines after graduation has been suspended to limit the new Marines exposure to COVID-19. This order is to protect Marines, their families, Civilian Marines, and families from further exposure to COVID-19. Following graduation at MCRD San Diego, all new Marines will immediately report to the School of Infantry at Camp Pendleton where they will begin the next phase of their training. Upon completion of that training they will continue onto their next unit or additional formal schooling as required. This suspension of leave will continue for the foreseeable future, and could be extended past May 11, 2020. Marines currently on leave will report to the School of Infantry on schedule.
We must all understand the importance of protecting the force and, as a Marine Corps, continue to be the “most ready when the nation is the least ready.”
Please be aware of the following:
- There are ZERO confirmed cases of COVID-19 at MCRD SD.
- Graduation Events remain closed to the public.
- Graduating Marines will go directly to School of Infantry without leave.
- Graduation photos and video will be posted on this FB page at: